Think locally, act globally

Surely, you’ve heard the famous slogan “Think globally, act locally” hundreds of times. Our manifesto is named after the inverted slogan: “Think globally locally, act locally globally.” We are convinced that, thanks to today’s technology and the global and connected nature of the world, it is possible to create products with a global impact from a small town and with a small team. Along the way, we will do everything in our power to respect and protect the environment and to support our homeland.
This manifesto encapsulates who we are, what we value, and the path we aim to follow. It is a testament to Artabric’s identity and the principles that guide every product and decision we make.
1. Bootstrapping
By relying on internal resources and revenue generated from initial product iterations, we maintain full control over their vision and decision-making processes. Bootstrapping encourages lean and efficient development, fostering innovation and responsiveness to market feedback without the constraints associated with external investors. This approach not only promotes sustainable growth but also positions startups for long-term success and profitability.
2. Small team
Keep the team as small as possible. The smaller the team, the easier it is to share information and keep all members aligned. Do not grow unless it is absolutely necessary, and when you think it's necessary to expand the team, consider if technology can help you solve or automate any tasks. Are special forces teams small or large?
3. Multidisciplinary team individuals
It is clear that a multidisciplinary team can tackle significant challenges, but there is something even more powerful and effective: a team of multidisciplinary individuals. A team where all members have knowledge of design, development, and marketing is tremendously effective. It avoids creating silos, minimizes revisions, and allows for smaller teams.
4. Pay attention to design and details
Take care of the design and aesthetics of everything you do and don't overlook the details, even if they sometimes seem small and insignificant. As Leonardo da Vinci said, "Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail."
5. Minimalist approach
Embrace simplicity and ease of use. Avoid feature bloat and focus on providing essential functionalities that meet the core needs of the users. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, "perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
6. Build products you want to use
The best way to create a remarkable product or service is to design something you personally want to use. When you solve a problem you experience, your passion for the project grows, driving innovation and ensuring a deeper connection to your work.
7. Take care of the environment
We firmly believe that sustainability and caring for the planet are essential to maintaining a healthy environment and ensuring a prosperous future for generations to come. We value the balance between progress and the preservation of natural resources. We operate responsibly, ensuring sustainable development for all.
8. Impact from your corner
The technology and communications we have today allow us to live in any corner of the planet and act globally from there, thus generating impact worldwide while living where you want and with your people. This possibility is priceless.
9. Support Ferrol
Over the past decade, Ferrol, our beloved city, has been immersed in a demographic and economic crisis that, fortunately, seems to be coming to an end. At Artabric, we feel a deep commitment to our region, full confidence in its potential for recovery, and immense pride in belonging to this corner of the Atlantic.